Mirc chat point system
Mirc chat point system

I have a couple issues, I will try and screenshot all (If I remember as I have to go back and forth) Writeini -n rxcoin.ini #michaelukz $2 coins %money.add Writeini -n rxcoin.ini #michaelukz %user coins %money.withdraw Set %money.withdraw $calc( $readini( rxcoin.ini, #michaelukz, %user, coins) - $3 ) Set %money.add $calc( $readini( rxcoin.ini, #michaelukz, $2, coins ) + $3 ) Msg $chan /me >: $2 has been given $3 tokens by $nick Msg $chan /me >: You have no credits to give! Msg $chan /me >: Please insert a name to send credits too. Writeini -n rxcoin.ini #michaelukz %user coins %money.add Set %money.add $calc( $readini( rxcoin.ini, #michaelukz, %user, coins ) + $3 ) Msg $chan /me >: Please enter the number of credits to give. Msg $chan /me >: Please enter a name to give credits too.

mirc chat point system

Msg $chan /me >: You have no credits, $nick Msg $chan /me >: Please supply a name to read.

mirc chat point system

Writeini -n rxcoin.ini #michaelukz $nick coins calc(%val)

mirc chat point system

Var %val = $readini( rxcoin.ini, #michaelukz, %user, coins )

Mirc chat point system